Tag: Hikvision

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Hikvision Surveillance Systems Company

Hikvision Technology Co., Ltd. is a partially state-owned Chinese company founded in 2001 by HAK IT. Hikvision is a company specialized in the production and development of digital video, imaging and surveillance systems such as surveillance cameras, security systems and others. Hikvision vision Enable the vision for the security and sustainable growth of the world. […]

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Hikvision Products and CCTV in Oman

Hikvision products are specialized in networking, CCTV, surveillance cameras,, recording and storage devices, home security systems, alarms, displays and access control in doors. Hikvision products cover many areas such as banking sector, safe city, buildings, homes, industrial areas, traffic, retail centers, educational facilities and more. Hikvision Network Products Hikvision has many products that work on […]

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