The shipping companies system is a system for managing local and international shipping companies, aims to automate the processes of receiving, delivering and transporting packages through technical control of operations in order to achieve accuracy in operations, increase productivity, effectiveness and efficiency, and achieve control within the organization.
The system works on entering customer information, carriers, packages, pricing, freight contracts or bills. It also focuses on defining the destination and delivery and parcel details, in addition to focusing on the transportation process through a report that monitors the details of the load with the entity and the driver responsible for transportation.
Advantages of the shipping companies’ system
The advantages of the shipping companies’ system are many, including:
- Easy to use and learn.
- Saves time and effort and improves performance and productivity.
- Complete all processes and procedures.
- Archiving and organizing data.
- A customized and appropriate system for the inputs and outputs of the institution.
- Provides a complete and clear view of the operations in the organization.
- Provides a detailed and graphical infinite report.
- Supports text messages and email.
- Provides endless detailed and graphical reports.
- It has a high potential to suit future requirements and operations.
In addition, the shipping system supports the value-added taxes, tax areas and discount, multiple currencies, languages, automated processes, tracking operations on records, access control, permissions and more.
Shipping Companies System Applications
Customers, carriers, packages, ledger, freight contracts, text messages, email, dashboard, reports.
If you would like to know more details about the shipping companies’ management system do not hesitate to contact us